Sound Body, Sound Mind.

Physical Education Online Class

Physical education teachers from all around the world have been assigning their students a particular TEDx Talk video on the importance of physical education. In a world that puts a lot of value on academics, we can forget that breaking a sweat is just as important as reading a book.

Sound Body, Sound Mind

The speaker from the video published July 9, 2019, is William E. Simon, Jr. Simon is co-founder of the UCLA Health, Sound Body Sound Mind program. First, he asks, “What is the only subject in school that promotes physical and emotional health, helps children learn better, and cultivates the character that they need to be productive adults?”. If you answered physical education, you’re correct. He goes on to say that, “If the student doesn’t understand the principles of health and fitness, they risk chronic disease and an early death”.

Basketball Gym Class

If your child loves basketball and misses practicing their game in the gym, we've got you covered! We have already resumed our in-person gym classes at Sherman Oaks, with classes every Tuesday and Wednesday. Schedule a trial class by filling out this form. Protocols are in place to make sure all children stay safe while still having fun during the class.

Virtual class live via ZOOM class access credentials:

1. Please download zoom app :

2. Here is the link to join the ON-DEMAND Royal class, works for both 4p.m.  and  5p.m.: https://zoom.u/j/771637833?pwd=cDJpSFhneG0rUDZjOUVSbUxiQTJYdz


(310) 744-5403

#soundbodysoundmind #basketball #youthbasketball #youthbasketballobjectives #physicaleducation #onlineclass #royalbasketballschool #basketballfan


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