Location for in-person gym classes, and special notes.

Dear Basketball Moms and Dads,

We are counting the days when we can finally start practicing youth basketball at the gym once more. We received great responses from you guys so we know you’re all excited, how much more the kids. The classes will focus on reinforcing basic basketball drills, developing techniques, and evaluating individual skills.

In as much as we wanted to open all our gyms, we will first open the ones at Emek Hebrew Academy in Sherman Oaks and De Toledo High School in San Fernando Valley. 

Emek Hebrew Academy

De Toledo High School

Last week, we wrote about the safety guidelines https://royalbasketballschool.blogspot.com/2020/08/royal-basketball-school-safety-protocols.html we must observe during training. Here are additional points worth noting:

Keep kids hydrated
The kids need to stay hydrated while training if only to compensate for all the sweating during exercises. And while frequent handwashing is highly recommended and encouraged these days, so is drinking enough water.

Size matters
The size of your kid’s basketball matters! Basketball handling is just as important when playing basketball, so getting the right size for their age can make a big difference.

Put a label on it
We want the kids to bring their own basketball during training. Labeling their basketball will make sure they bring home the same one they brought to the gym.

Can't go to the gym?
Just in case your schedule changes and can’t make it to the gym, join us online via Zoom from Monday to Friday at 4 pm or 5 pm. Sign up here:

Virtual class live via ZOOM access credentials:

1. Please download zoom app :

2. Here is the link to join the ON-DEMAND Royal class, works for both 4p.m.  and  5p.m.: https://zoom.u/j/771637833?pwd=cDJpSFhneG0rUDZjOUVSbUxiQTJYdz


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