One of the greatest and most exciting players in NBA history.

                                                                                            Elgin Baylor: "The Human Highlight Reel"

On this day, September 16, 1934 - exactly 86 years ago - Elgin Baylor was born in Washington, D.C. Austin Knoblauch (2011) from the Los Angeles Times describes him as, β€œOne of the greatest and most exciting players in NBA history." Baylor was a human highlight reel, who became a star basketball player for the Los Angeles Lakers. It is also no secret that he was one of the sole reasons the Los Angeles Lakers (then Minneapolis Lakers), were able to stay in business. Bob Short, the owner of Minneapolis Lakers, is often quoted to say that their club could have gone bankrupt without Baylor.  Baylor now has a statue outside the Staples Center, where the Los Angeles Lakers play, to commemorate his achievements. 

Read more about his basketball career here


We can obtain any and all the basketball content that we desire with our smartphones.. The same can be said with our children's basketball practices. Taking basketball lessons online is as easy as signing up on our website. You might not be the next Elgin Baylor, but if you are growing little by little, with each and every lesson, your dedication will be massively rewarded. 

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2. Here is the link to join the ON-DEMAND Royal class, works for both 4p.m.  and  5p.m.: https://zoom.u/j/771637833?pwd=cDJpSFhneG0rUDZjOUVSbUxiQTJYdz


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