A Quick Lesson From One of the Game's Best: Stephen Curry

Here at Royal Basketball School, we are always searching for ways to help your child develop their basketball skills off the court.  

If you ever wanted to know how to shoot like Stephen Curry, here is how he does it. We believe it is important to try and replicate the tactics of the NBA's best athletes. Curry is argubably the greatest shooter of all time. So, here's what we can take away: 

Curry keeps his shooting shoulder, elbow, and hip aligned. You can see that his shoulder is directly behind his elbow, in line with his hip. His forearm is slightly tilted away from this line, keeping the ball above his shooting eye.

Hand Position:
Stephen uses a relatively relaxed hand position on the ball, with his index finger and thumb making a V-shape. Also, notice that his hand is on the side of the ball, and rotates towards the net as he extends his arm.

The Set-point:
When Curry shoots, the ball first, travels backwards towards his head, before traveling forward toward the net. The point right before the ball starts moving towards the net is called the set-point. Stephen Curry’s set-point is just above his right eye. At his set-point, his thumb is in line with his eyebrow, and his palm is facing to the side.

You will also notice that his arm makes a 90 degree angle at his armpit. The angle between his arm and his forearm is much less than 90 degrees. He always reaches his set-point before his feet leave the ground, and then uses the power from his jump to push the ball forward.

The Follow Through:
On his follow through, Curry's elbow is right above his head, and his arm is completely straight. The ball travels in a straight line. It starts off above his eye, and on his follow through his wrist ends up directly above his eye.

The Eyes:
Steph keeps his eyes on the rim until the ball is released. As soon as it leaves his hand, he follows the ball with his eyes all the way to the rim.

Now that we have taken a look at these specific tips from one of the game's best, take a look at this video: 

Let's practice what we have learned from Curry, at your next Royal Basketball Class!

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