Royal Basketball School Safety Protocols.

As we get closer to reopening our gym classes for basketball training, we also need to make sure safety protocols are in place to combat Covid19. Following the guidelines published by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), we hope for everyone to remember the basket when playing basketball. 

Be tested for Covid19 
We are in the business of providing basketball lessons to kids but the safety of everybody remains to be our top priority. Parents can rest assured that our coaches and staff at the gym are tested for the novel corona virus. 

Always wear a mask 
Coaches and parents are advised to wear a mask when unable to maintain a 6-feet physical distance from each other during basketball sessions. Kids will not be required to wear a mask during training or games.

Sanitized gym and sports equipment 
Regular disinfection and sanitization will be conducted to make sure the gym and necessary sports equipment are safe to use. Frequent hand washing will also be exercised.

Kids bring their own ball 
To further practice physical distancing, kids are asked to bring and use their own ball when they can.

Exercise and train in smaller groups 
Basketball training will be done in smaller groups than before. On one side of the gym, we will have at most 12 kids and another 12 on the other side. This is half of the usual groupings we did before. In line with this, we can only allow one parent or guardian to be present at the gym during basketball training. 

Temperature check 
We will be checking everybody’s temperature before entering the gym as part of the safety protocol. Steps have been taken to make sure that the temperature check will be done consistently and in a safe manner. 

We hope to continue providing in-person basketball classes at the gym and we believe we can do so if everyone is staying safe and consistently observing precautionary measures against the novel corona virus. Also, don’t forget that in the meantime, you can try our online classes for one whole week without charge. Try it here. 

Virtual class live via ZOOM access credentials:

1. Please download zoom app :


2. Here is the link to join the ON-DEMAND Royal class, works for both 4p.m.  and  5p.m.: https://zoom.u/j/771637833?pwd=cDJpSFhneG0rUDZjOUVSbUxiQTJYdz09

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