8th Annual Royal Basketball Cup [Announcement]

Wow! We've got some pretty exciting news to share with you. The most important time of the year is coming up for everyone at RBS - it's our 8TH ANNUAL RBS CUP.

Here we wanted to give you a little glimpse of how we usually do it. The event is packed with fun, music, prizes and of course Basketball.

Part 1 - Alumni Game

We are always so happy to see our students all grown up. Most of them have never stopped playing basketball and they are eager to show what they've learned. For parents, meeting the alumni is a great opportunity to see our previous generation of students. We are so proud of them!

RBS Alumni

Part 2 - The Main Games

 In this part, all our student are divided into teams by age and ability and compete in a fair game. The best team in each class gets a trophy, while others receive participation trophies as well. Everyone's a winner at Royal Basketball Cup 2019.

Group Picture 2018
RBS Cup Participant Miles

P.S. In half time our MOMS take the stage. Everyone who subscribes can participate in a fun relay race. From our experience, kids get really excited about seeing their parents enter a friendly competition and cheer a lot! Everyone gets a free RBS shirt, which is a really nice souvenir to take home.

Part 3 - Dad's Game

Dad's of kids who participate in the cup can play a scrimmage game. Many of our dads are eager basketball players themselves, so why not show off some skills and get a free RBS t-shirt? There is something to do for all family members at our amazing event.

Royal Dads 2018

Part 4 - Performances, Music and Much More

Every year our team prepares something truly special for our members, but we guarantee you'll love it. 
Dancers Performance

Part 5 - Something Extra Special

So we've got some extra surprises for you. At the end of the tournament, we'll pick participants, who show their best effort and attitude during the game. They will have a chance to perform and play on the Lakers practice court at UCLA Lakers facility. Fun fact: LeBrone James practiced his famous jump shot right there.

And if you think that that's it then you are wrong! We have another amazing surprise - after the game at Lakers practice facility, all the participants will get to take a picture with the Lakers trophy. Just look at their faces!

Lakers Trophy

Practical Information

Even though we told you everything, it doesn't mean there won't be any more surprises. Stay tuned! We are thrilled to see you there. Here you have some important information if you want to participate. Any questions? Just contact us via http://www.royalbasketballschool.com/contact

When: 3rd March 2019 (Sunday)
Where: de Toledo High School: 22622 Vanowen Street, West Hills 91307 
What Time: 09:30 AM - 4:00 PM
Cost: $89 per child participant, free attendance for all family members. Cost also includes 2 tickets to an NBA G-League game, Royal Basketball water bottle, and a Royal Cup participant trophy.

Don't forget to "like" the event on our Facebook page => https://www.facebook.com/events/312328899391515/

See you there!


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