How To Choose a Basketball

One of the most common questions that we get here at RBS is "what basketball to buy for my child?"

It's true that having the right ball will help you get the most out of training, whether individual or in class.

Now, we want to end your doubts once and for all. Here's exactly what kind of ball you need.

Where do you play?

Depending on a court, you have to choose between three different materials: leather, synthetic and rubber. Leather is the softest and the most comfortable material out there, also they are the most expensive ones and must be used only indoors. Synthetic basketballs feel like leather ones, but they are sturdier and are suitable to be used outdoors. Those balls provide better grip. Finally, there are rubber balls that are the most affordable ones and are the best choice for beginners. These are the best for outdoor courts and give a nice bounce to the ball in any situation.

What's your hand size and age?

Choosing the ride ball is a crucial step to follow when starting playing basketball. It's important for your comfort and safety as well as influences your performance. The right ball size ensures you can dribble at a right pace and your position is nice and straight when you throw the ball towards the basket. 

Adult // A boy older than 12  (size 7)

Universal size for adults and boys over 12 years old. The largest ball you can get.

➤ Starting Jun 6th 2019, our summer camp is open. Book your sessions NOW to receive an amazing 'early bird' deal. For example, of you buy 2 sessions, you'll pay $600 instead of $700. More info => 

Women // Children 8-12 (size 6)

If unsure and/or have smaller hands, it's always better to try this size first. 

Children 3-7 (size 5)

The smallest ball size out there. Suitable even for 3-year olds ;) 

P.S. We recommend trying ball sizes, before actually buying one. We'll be happy to run a test drill with you and advise on the best fit.

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