TOP 10 Songs Every Basketball Lover Should Know

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So one of the most effective things to boost confidence is music. That's why here we came up with the top 10 songs that every basketball lover must know. Let's see if you already heard them.

10. Champions: Ron Artest

Why: The release was announced after a dramatic NBA Finals Game 7 victory on live television

9.  Let's Get It Started: Black Eyed Peas

Why: Once an NBA Finals theme, there aren't many better songs to come out of the locker room to.

8. Push It: Rick Ross

Why: Forget 110 percent, push it to the limit.

7. Lose Yourself: Eminem

Why: "Look...if you shot...or one opportunity...this is everything you ever moment...would you capture it...or just let it slip?"

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6. Can't Be Touched: Roy Jones Jr

Why: Most professional athletes are absolutely horrible rappers, but Roy Jones Jr. KO's this track.

5. List of Demands: Saul Williams

Why: A Nike special, this song is the definition of up-tempo.

4. (I know I got) Skillz: Shaquille O'Neil

Why: Who do we get a pep talk if not from the legendary Shaquille?

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3. Space Jam: Quad City DJ's

Why: Michael Jordan playing basketball with the Looney Tune characters? Does it get better?

2. Winner: Jamie Foxx featuring Justin Timberlake and T.I

Why: 2010 NBA Finals and just a great track to do your winner dance to.

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1. Roundball Rock

Why: The Ultimate Basketball Song. Period.


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