Shooting Drill To Practice with Your Young Royal!

How the Drill Works:

Players at the top of the key dribble down and perform a handoff, with a wing player cutting to the top of the key, who then takes the shot or drives for the layup.


To work on shooting off hand-offs, and perfecting them.  This can be a tricky skill for for players to master, unless they practice often.


    • Two lines at the top of the key. Both have two basketballs in each line.
    •  One line of players on the lower end of each wing.


hand-off-shooting1. The first players from the top of the key dribble down to the wing on their respective sides. At the same time, the wing player should be making cut towards the baseline.
2. Making sure to change speeds, the wing player explodes up towards the wing, receives the hand-off and then performs a certain shot.
3. The person that hands off the basketball joins the end of the wing-line.
4. The shooter rebounds their basketball, and then joins the line at the top of the key on the opposite side from where they shot from originally. 

Scoring System:

    • There is no scoring system. If you want, you can set a specific target for the amount of shots one team makes, to reach in a certain amount of time.


Shooter – Step back and shoot without dribbling, one-dribble pull-up from the elbow, two dribble attack the rim for a layup, drive baseline as if the defender cheated under the screen.

Click Here to Sign-Up: Royal Basketball School  LA's largest youth basketball program


(310) 744-5403

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